Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I have a job interview today...
Well today I have an interview at Uth Stuph and I can't wait!!!! We'll see if I get the job.Things are going really well fro me this week so far.The kids are doing really good too.God Bless and have a great week...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Please Pray!!!
Well you all know that I struggle with addiction,and I've overcome it and am moving on with life sober.Well I recently learned that my little sister is addicted too.Today she is putting herself into a Detox, and is going to try to clean herself up.Please pray with me that she will make it through thee detox, and withstand the withdrawals.I don't want to see her lose her life like I lost mine.It's not too late for her,so PLEASE pray for my sister.Thanks...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Well today I thought I was 18 again,and I went out and tried to ride roller blades down a hill.Once I hit about 15 mph, and couldn't stop I knew I was in trouble.I rolled and flipped through the parking lot.After coming to a complete stop I picked up myself, and acted like I was okay, but the truth is it hurts bad, and I got road burn.Hey you only live once so I figured why not try.Oh by the way I do have great news too.I have a job interview tomorrow at Joanns Fabric Store.Have a great week!!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I passed my GED!!!!!
Well I got my test results today,and I passed my GED.I am so proud of myself....YEAH!!!
I'm going to audition for Nashville Star
What a great start to my day.I found out that there doing Nashville Star auditions October 12th at the Wild Horse Saloon in Nashville,and I will be there to audition.I love singing it's my dream to become a country singer,and I'm pretty good.How exciting the thought of me being famous!!!!Then I'd really be able to do great things for my children, wow I can't even imagine how life would be.Well I do know that I'm going to try out to see if I can make it.Singing it my passion.Well have a great day.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Where do I go from here?
Well my heart is just breaking right now.I can't even talk to my kids on the phone because my ex is having a bad day.I want to fight for custody of my kids, but I'm afraid to go against him.I've had 2 jobs in my life I live on ssi,and I'm a recoverying addict.It just seems like he's the better provider.I love my kids and miss them so much.I am trying to get a job right now,I just don't know how I could ever win against him.It's not fair to my kids what he's doing.I'm afraid of losing.I've always lost and always failed.I want a life back to be the mother I once was, but even better.How do I get the right help to fight for my kids?I graduated rehab in Jan of this year, and I stay on my medication.I just need a job, and to be independent so I can oneday have my kids back at home with mommy.I wasn't going to put all of this out there, but I can't keep it in anylonger.If anyone has any advice please could you give it to me.Do I just keep pressing forward,and give it to the Lord?I'm new in my faith and it seems the devil is trying to break me.I REFUSE TO FALL.God is on my side,I know I can do this.I'm just struggling with the feelings in my heart.
Missing my husband
Well as you all know that my husband is in prison, and will be until 2011.Today is just one of those days where I really feel the pains of missing him.Not only is he my husband, but he's my very best friend, and he completes me.The Lord places this special man in my life for a reason, and I just really miss him near me laughing, and being a family.I know this too shall pass and we will be together again, it's just one of those days of longing for him.I hope that everyone has had a great weekend.Mine has been blessed.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Living Care Free!!!
I'm learning as I travel this new road in life that I've always made choices based on what others thought of me,and I have always allowed it to take a toll on me what people think of me.I'm learning that God loves me no matter what.That no matter the way I look, or dress that he knows my heart.My God is so awesome,and I just love the fact that I can go out without having to put on lots of makeup, or be my best dressed.I can be comfortable in my own skin.That's because I'm choosing to give God my fears, and love myself.Life may not be all I want it to be at times, but I have a loving God, a loving husband, and two loving children that all love me no matter what and I thank God for my life...Also I'd like to add I have the best sister,and brother inlaw in the world, plus my precious nephew Andon!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Me and my babies having fun!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Still job hunting
Hey there, well this week is going by fast. I added some more poems to my poetry blog if you'd like to check them out.I'll be posting my pictures tonight or tomorrow.Can't wait to get them!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Job hunting time
Well I'm getting back into the swing of things.I went and put in an application at KOHLS today, and I really want to work there.I'm going to call them later, and I will keep trying.I had a pretty good weekend, but we've all been sick around here.I'll be getting my pictures oneday this week and can't wait to share them with you all.I recently got back in contact with my mother in law, and I am so very happy about that.It's a blessing to have her in my life.Today is my Husbands birthday so I sent him a few cards.I can feel the Lord in my life more and more each day, and I love it.Well until next time have a great week.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I had a good visit
Well I had a great visit, and finally got to see my kids. I took pictures, but have to get them developed.I didn't get sentenced yet either.I did get to go to my father in laws house to talk to my husband on the phone,and we talked for 45 minutes. It was great to hear my husbands voice finally.I fly back down May 20th for my last court date.I can't wait to get my pictures back so you can see my darling children.I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT WEEKEND...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Things are tough
Well my flight was great and now I am at mom's house. I'm very aggravated with my ex husband. He won't let me have my kids like we planned,and I just don't know what to do. I am meeting them at the park at 3:30 so I have to just accept things for what they are.I will still enjoy the time I have with my babies.I'm just struggling with the fact that I'm doing all that I can, and he is treating me this way.It's not fair to my kids.I hope the rest of the trip will end well.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I'm going to Florida tomorrow...
Hey everyone, it's been a great week, and I just so excited to be in Florida tomorrow. I will be picking up my kids tomorrow evening, and they will be spending two days with me. YEAH!!!!!!! I get sentenced on the 12th, and then I Fly back to Tennessee. I can't wait to show you all pictures, and blog about my visit with my babies. Until then, bye...
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