Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Fun Fun...
The party was fun, and it was so funny cause we set up a table outside and we were just relaxing when all of a sudden the sprinklers came on, and soaked everything. I had to pick up the mini grill and run across the yard. The kids got a good laugh. I will upload some videos soon.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Just an update on things...
Well I recently spoke with my Lawyer and he tells me that it may be up to a year before I go in front of the Clemency Board. I'm keeping myself focused and in the word, and spending each moment awake that I can with my kids. I am living life as if I were dying, and I take in each moment to heart. Tomorrow I am giving the Jordan, and Briana their Birthday Party, it's gonna be so much fun. I'll have pictures to post soon. Goodnight, and GOD BLESS...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I feel like a mother again, and I wished these next 4 weeks would go very slow. This weekend I'm throwing Briana, and Jordan a Birthday party at the pool. They are so excited about it. I couldn't ask for more, Thank you Jesus...
I'm loving life...
Well it's been pretty busy this week with the kids being here. We are just soaking in the love of each other on a minute by minute basis. Here is clip of Briana singing for me...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
It's been a long day...
Well I spent my day watching movies, and reading the WORD. I am so excited to get my kids, and I have a surprise party planned for them next weekend at the pool. I have seen my kids a total of 3 hours in the past year, and we all need this time together. It's way past due, but I've atleast got my head on straight now. The house feels so empty without Andon, and Jared here, and Jen being at work all day. Have a Blessed Day...
I feel like a guinea pig...
Well this week I had to start a few more medications, and I really hate the way they're making me feel. I want to just quit all medications, but I can't. I feel like a project to my doctors, and I just wish I could live my life like any other person I know. I am trying to get adjusted to the affects of these medications before my children get here Monday. I dream of the day when I can just wake up, and deal with reality and not have to take a pill to cope, or keep my sanity. I have been on medications since I was 12 years old, and I just wonder if I'll have long term effects from them. On the other hand, my babies will be here in two days, and I can't wait to hold them, and Love on them. Have a Blessed weekend...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well it's been an alright week so far. I am a little upset with myself right now cause I have gained 12 pounds in a week. I guess when I go through things I eat alot of junk food, and now I am staring 3 new medications. I read the side affects are increased hunger for sweets ( GREAT ) I can only make myself see it as I may be a little bit chubby, but I am doing the next right thing. I have always struggled with my weight cause I usually carry an extra 25 pounds ever since I had kids. God loves me, and my husband, and children all love me for me as well, so I may as well just not get upset. I Talked to my lawyer and he says it may be 6 months to a year before I get my Clemency review. I am going to go now, and so I wish you a Blessed week...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wow I am excited...
Well just a few more days until Jared, and Andon drive down to Florida to get the kids. We went out today and I bought all the party supplies. I am going to take so many pictures, and cuddle as much as my kids will allow me to. Hey if anyone wants a smile well just go to www.youtube.com and search for Jamie Nalley and you'll find I recorded myself singing and put it on there. I feel that I sounded pretty good, so I hope you enjoy listening to it, but it's kinda loud. Have a BLESSED NIGHT...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I won't let a bump in the road slow me down...
I am finally getting my mind back together after this past week, and what I put myself through. I am doing okay, and I am just searching my heart, and soul. Praying that the Lord I love so much with release me of this bondage that is within me. I am not going to focus on that though. My children will be here next week, and I cannot wait to hold them in my arms, and I won't want to let them go. With this post I am adding a video, and I would like it if you could take the time to listen to the words of this song. It's my life right now...
Monday, June 8, 2009
I love life...
Well after the weekend I had, this day has been amazing, and I felt the Lord with me all day long. I hope that everyone else is having a great week so far. I am very excited to see my kids in two weeks, yep TWO WEEKS I cannot wait. Well God bless you all and I wish you well....
I know it seems like I'm on an emotional roller coaster, and I believe that it's because I am, but I feel the pace starting to settle in a great spot...
I know it seems like I'm on an emotional roller coaster, and I believe that it's because I am, but I feel the pace starting to settle in a great spot...
Friday, June 5, 2009
I see how it works...
Just as fast as I told everyone how well I was doing, it seemed like the devil was attacking me all day after that, but you know what I see what he's trying to do, and I refuse to allow it. I began to fall several times, but the love of others pulled me back out of it. I can truly see now that the devil just loves misery, and will do ANYTHING to make life miserable so you can go his way. Nope not me I will fight with the Lord on my side I cannot, and will not fail. GOD BLESS
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I am Great!!!!
Well good morning to everyone, and I'd like to wish you all a blessed day. I had a long day yesterday, but it was such a good day for me. I could feel the Lord with me all day long. I t was like every time my mind wanted to run wild I'd read the word that I have posted at my work station, and I felt relieved so fast knowing that it was, and is God who is guiding me, and he's coming to me through believers around me, and through the word. I am excited to see how this day is going to go, and I am excited to be going to dinner with a dear friend of mine from work. I can't wait because she is so sweet, and I finally made a friend of my own that wants to hang out with me, and that's cool. Well God bless you all...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I must trust...
Well tonight we sat down to figure out how we are going to approach the Florida State Legislature on my case, and I must say that I have to let this all go, and give it to God. I went through such an attack today that it scares me so badly, and I felt I'd lost control of myself. I feel that the Lord is leading me to just let him have it all, and no longer worry about it. I on the other hand am very excited to have my children up here on the 22nd. YEAH!!!! God Bless...
I felt the love of other believers today...
Well today was a very rough day for me, but ended with me seeing that there is people that believe this is all for a purpose. I don't really know what happened today, but all I know is I couldn't breathe, and my legs went weak. I could see, but didn't understand what was happening. My mind wouldn't stop racing with such horrible thought's of what the devil wants to happen to me. I felt like I was being attacked, and I was so weak to everything around me, even my own vision. Two very special people stood beside as I was going through it. I just thank God for putting such loving people in my life, and even the rest of the people at my work we're all very helpful, and concerned. I see that I am so loved, and cared for that it makes my heart feel a peace. I am very tired, and I am going to bed early so God Bless, and have a great week to you all...
Thank you Jayme, and thank you Jared...
Thank you Jayme, and thank you Jared...
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