I've never had the luxury of owning a handbag more than $10.00 from Walmart.So today was a really cool day for me.Jen gave me a Vera Bradley purse, and it it totally awesome so I took pics, and wanted to share with you all.Things are going really well for me, and now it's just the anxiety of taking my test that's got me.My kids are doing really well all except for my daughter shaved her eyebrows off???? I don't know why she did such a thing, but she did.I get to see my kids when I go down to Florida for court in March, and I can't wait.
My middle daughter has done the same thing to her eyebrows! Although, she has also cut her hair twice (trying to make bangs) and she has cut the sheet of her sister's bed and a couple of dresses. Needless to say, she's not allowed to have scissors unsupervised anymore :)
Jamie, quit worrying about that test. You are very smart, very capable and will pass no problem. Let's focus on where we're eating to celebrate the big day!
OH I love that bag! I have a few vera bradleys and they are my favorite!
Who is Vera Bradley? ha! ha! Can't wait to see you and Jennifer, wish Andon was coming. Love ya, Mom
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